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How to Write a Scholarship Essay: Useful Tips and Examples

There may be many instances of when you need to write a piece in conjunction with getting monies. You may want a scholarship for camp, school, or a workshop. Your letter will be compared to the letters of the other applicants, so you want your piece to stand out for all the right reasons. Use our five helpful tips and examples on how to write a scholarship essay.

5 Pieces of Advice

  1. Remember your audience-keep in mind the audience that you are composing your paper for as you write. You should make sure the tone of the piece matches the personality and scope of your audience. Keep it crisp and professional, not informal like a text to your best friend.
  2. Picture perfect-the paper can not have any errors. It must be your best sample of work. This is extremely important. One mistake, even if it is small, could be the difference in getting the aid or not. If you know that you are bad at proofreading, then hire someone to do this very important job for you.
  3. The page details-the entire essay should not be longer than one page unless you are given a word count. The font should be simple such as Arial style. It should be size 12 font. Additionally, make sure to double-space the text. If you are giving a question that you must respond to, make sure you have totally answered the question or questions that were asked. The margins of the paper should be one inch all the way around the piece.
  4. Out of the Box with Caution-you do want your piece to be unique, but you do not want it to be too odd. You must use caution as you seek to be creative. Do not try anything that will prevent the reader from reading and understanding the essay like writing the entire thing backwards.
  5. Be Honest-you should be 100% honest in the piece. If there is something bad in your background, make sure that it is necessary that you reveal it before you reveal. It is acceptable to learn from a mistake, but if you were arrested on three occasions, you may not want to advertise that fact to the audience.

As you write your scholarship piece, make sure the tone is correct for the audience, that there are no grammar or spelling errors, that the page is formatted correctly, that you are cautiously creative, and that you are honest in your writing.

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